Tantra Meditation

Have you heard of Tantra meditation? Have you heard of Tantra before? Tantra is a Sanskrit word, which translates as "to weave".  To practice Tantra is to weave energy in subtle ways. 

Thus, Tantra means that the human body has the power to encompass all potential within itself. This potential can be awakened by practicing Tantra Yoga. With Tantra meditation, one can clear blocked emotions and live in bliss, peace and harmony.

What is solo tantra meditation?

Solo Tantra meditation means that tantra meditation can also be performed solo. Solo tantra meditation also rejuvenates your soul and makes you feel good about yourself as also about your relationships with others

Like any other meditation pose, Tantra meditation also starts with sitting crossed-legged in a comfortable position so that the spine is vertical. Focus on your breath as you breathe in and out. Focus on each chakra, the energy centres of the body, to bring the body into harmony. Breath from the base of your spine, up through to your heart, and the crown of your head, and back down your body towards the earth.  Use your breath to nourish your body with energy from Mother Earth. Feel your skin and feel good about your body.

Tantra sexuality meditation

Tantra sexuality meditation is about directing your attention to your sexual organs i.e., genitals, in your mind when meditating. While you take long breaths, allow yourself to be aware of your sexuality as you breath in energy from mother earth to nurture your body.

Tantra sexuality meditation helps a number of individuals in their relationships. Sexual intercourse is all about being 100% present in the moment, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Tantra sexuality meditation allows you to train your mind to stay at ease, feel confident about your body, and enjoy sexual intimacy as it should be.

Tantra education


With Tantra Education, people and individuals can learn about Tantra exercises, Tantra practices, and meditation and how Tantra is the answer to many problems, be it, love, life or relationships. The Tantra Doctor provides Tantra Education in various ways. Following tantric practices allow men and women from all spheres of life to stay well connected physically, mentally, and spiritually with ones self and with our partners.


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